Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Dead Computer and Now Learning All Over Again

My home computer has been on its last legs for a while now.  I had gotten to the point where I was afraid to turn it off because I was not sure if it would boot up when I attempted to turn it back on.  Fortunately, I managed to upload the important family photos from its hard drive before the latest crash.  I did not get all of my teacher files from it, though.  I am sure I will be figuring out what is lost over time and  perhaps when things quiet down here for my husband he will be able to get it up and running long enough to offload some files.

In the meantime, I was blessed by my boss with a laptop.  I have been busily trying to figure out everything about it since it uses Windows and I have been using a Linux based desktop for as long as I can remember.  I was able to download some of the programs I used in Linus, like GIMP and LibreOffice, but they are newer versions so I even have to figure them out.

What's with the photo of the dog in the snow above?  He is in my latest product.  I am madly working on a new Question of the Day set, which will include winter theme questions.  I hope to finish it up before Monday, since that will be the day I have to take my oldest to camp.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Organizing My Classroom In My Head
Since my classroom still smells interesting (and not in a good way), I have continued working on some projects that will get printed and put up in my classroom later this summer.

As I cleaned my classroom at the end of the school year I realised that my centers signs were a bit rough looking.  In addition, they really were not what I wanted in the first place, but I had made them work while I searched for the perfect set.

That perfect set never appeared, so I decided to work on a few sets of my own and then I will decide which one to print out for myself once I can get in my room to finalize which centers signs I will be using.
I found some cute graphics from Educlips to use with one of the sets of centers.

I also made a set with graphics from MyCuteGraphics.

Now I just have to decide which set to use for myself and which signs I will use this year.  Which would you choose?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Preschool Classroom Smells Like Tricycle Tires

We had quite a storm a few weeks ago, which resulted in our preschool playground shed exploding.  The roof landed on the sandbox, several walls sailed over the fence, but the doors stayed locked to each other and landed on the tricycle path.  As a result, all of the playground supplies are now in my classroom until we get a new shed put up in the playground.

Tricycle tires have quite a strong smell when closed up in a preschool classroom.  This is keeping me out of the room more than the fact that the room is quite crowded with tricycles and other ride ons as well as quite a variety of other outdoor play equipment.

The good news for this is that I need a break from my room to feel refreshed and ready for the new school year.  It also gives me time to play around on the computer and create new things for my classroom.

My latest project is Ocean theme decor items since I am switching up my classroom from a frog theme that I have enjoyed the last two years to something new.  I found some great clip art from Pixel Paper Prints that inspired me to start creating.  So far I have made some calendar numbers and months of the year.
Click above to see bundle in my shop